It’s a great day to live in the Oaks.
With homes ranging from the early 1900s to the middle of the last century, the Oaks Historic District boasts distinctive, varied architecture and a diverse community of homeowners, renters, and business owners.
The Oaks Historic District Neighborhood Association, established in 1993, works to build community, guide residents to the information they need to rehabilitate and preserve historic properties, and host quarterly general meetings for residents to learn about issues within the neighborhood as well as upcoming events. The Oaks Historic District Neighborhood Association is a way for residents to get involved and get to know their neighbors.
The District
The Oaks Historic District is the largest historic district in Texas and home to both the Chambers House Museum and the McFaddin-Ward House Museum.
The Association
The Oaks Historic District Neighborhood Association is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization that exists for the purpose of maintaining and improving the quality of life within the neighborhood while also recognizing and enhancing its historical and cultural importance to the city of Beaumont.
Our Initiatives
The Oaks Historic District Neighborhood Association board earmarks funds raised for a number of projects to support our mission statement.
General Meetings
The Oaks Historic District Neighborhood Association hosts quarterly general meetings at 9 a.m. on the third Saturday of the month in January, April, and October at the McFaddin-Ward House Museum Visitors Center, 1906 Calder, Beaumont, Texas.
July meetings are an annual membership drive with date and location to be announced.
District Ordinances
The City of Beaumont worked with the Oaks Historic District Neighborhood Association to establish standards to maintain the authenticity of the historic homes. Learn more about what to do before modifying your historic property.