District Ordinances
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The City of Beaumont, in an effort to preserve the historical and cultural importance of the Oaks Historic District, established the Historic-Cultural Landmark Preservation Overlay District. These ordinances, laid out in Article 28.03, guide property owners within the Oaks Historic District on any rehabilitation or preservation changes as well as day-to-day living in the Oaks, such as parking.
The Oaks Historic District Neighborhood Association cannot approve or disapprove any modifications, though we can help you contact the appropriate city department. Property owners can also contact the city at 311 for any questions or visit the city’s website about the district. Additionally, any resident can report violations to ordinances by calling 311 or 409/880-3719.
For minor exterior alterations such as fences, paint colors within the officially adopted acceptable color range as maintained in the office of the planning manager, trim colors, signs, pavement, security bars, and windows, the planning manager will review within 30 days and forward any requiring further approval to the historic landmark commission.
The applicant and/or property owner can appeal a decision by the planning manager or the historic landmark commission to deny a certificate of appropriateness within 10 business days after the decision has been rendered, unless the properties are determined by the planning manager to be threats or hindrances to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the citizens of the city.
Detailed photos, renderings, as well as brand and name of paint colors will help the approval process.
The City of Beaumont has an online portal where you can view a full list of permits, apply for permits, and check your application status. First-time users must create an account, and the fee is $20.
A certificate issued by the city to authorize the alteration of the physical character of real property in a district, or any portion of the exterior of a structure on the property, or the placement, construction, alteration, nonroutine maintenance, expansion, or removal of any structure on or from the property.
If you plan to alter the physical character of any real property located in an historic district, or any portion of the exterior of a structure on the property, or the placement, construction, maintenance, expansion, or removal of any structure on or from the property, unless the act is expressly lawfully authorized by a certificate of appropriateness.
Yes. If the modification is in a rear yard not exceeding six feet in height.
The installation, maintenance, or replacement of a yard sprinkler system, a central air conditioning unit in the side or rear yard, or a room air conditioning unit.
If the modification is temporary and occurs no more than two time periods per calendar year for a maximum of five days per time period.
In general, the review procedure for maintenance, replacement, additions, deletions and new construction apply to any historic district except as expressly modified.
Certificates of appropriateness are valid for a period of six months from the date issued. One or more extensions of time for no more than 90 days may be allowed, provided the extension is requested in writing and justifiable cause is demonstrated. If work ceases for 90 days, the applicant must reapply.